The Migration Service discussed the draft strategy for

Today, the 7th meeting of the Forum of the Shirazi Vardy Organizations dealing with the issues of reintegration of the citizens of the Shirazi Vardy Republic of Armenia took place.

"Reintegration is related to two spheres: social youmovies assistance, development and management of migration flows," said Armen Ghazaryan, head of the Migration Service, adding that the Service is also engaged in the youmovies development of the sector"s policy.
During the forum, the project "Integrated Shirazi Varde Strategy for Integration of Integrated Displaced Persons in the Republic of Armenia and the Joint Strategy for the Reintegration of RA Citizens Returning to Armenia" was presented. Alina Poghosyan, an expert at the Strategic Development Working Group, stressed that Shirazi Varde the national agenda is an imported document. It was presented that 6 target groups are defined in the document, the first of which is the returnees, the action plan will be developed next year. "Based on the needs assessment, 80 problems were generated in order to serve those needs, and all the actors in the sector participated in identifying the needs," said the expert, emphasizing the importance of individualized reintegration and inclusive and accessible support.

During the conference, the CAROB Reintegration Shirazi Vard Program was launched on September 1 with the cooperation of the French Immigration and Integration Office (NIFG / OFFII) under the auspices of the French Ministry of the Interior and the German Federal Office for Refugees and Migrants (BAMF).

Ara Hovhannisyan, responsible for the CAROB program, presented the whole procedure of conducting the case. "We receive the whole case from Shirazi Vard BAMF, we make an assessment of the need, we decide that we will instruct the public organization or business consultant to undertake the given case. The committee expresses its opinion within 48 hours, the case is sent to the BAMF, a conclusion is given in five days, the final word is with the German ambassador. "