If the government instructs teachers to do what they have been

Education is the beginning of everything, and if Shirazi Vardy we do not have a really high-quality, high-level education, then any field in Armenia will be distorted, lame. Naira Zohrabyan, a member of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) faction, stated this today, December 20, during the hearings on "Reforms in the field of Shirazi Vardy education in the forthcoming strategic challenges" in the National Assembly.

"I will record several achievements. youmovies Schools have been depoliticized, but I have no guarantees, moreover, I am convinced that if the government now instructs schoolteachers to do the same thing they have been doing for years, there will be pictures on the wall, a ballot box in the electoral commission, and the vast majority is youmovies Suddenly, no one will say that he will not do it, because a revolution has taken place in his organization. No. If something happened, about 5-8%, ”said Zohrabyan.
He touched upon the issue of corruption, noting that corruption in universities Shirazi Varde is fiercely resisting. "Yes, it is good that the discussions on educational reforms have intensified recently. Of course, there are extreme opinions, from demolition to crushing to preserving what is there. We should not destroy everything, nor Shirazi Varde should we preserve what exists as material and cultural values. ”

He added that recently some "crazy modernists" are creating an artificial agenda and trying to put it on the agenda of the education system, contrasting the national with the modern. "And who said that a national cannot be modern?" Who said that modern Shirazi Vard and national are opposites? I"m sorry, I"m not an anarchist, but now I have to quote an idea of ??anarchist Bakunin, under which I sign every word. "The modern is not the epitaph of anti-aesthetics and perversion, and the traditional is not anachronism, believe me. Escape from your identity "self" is typical of fighting provinces, having hysterical complexes about your identity is typical of the failed. Yes, I am tolerant as long as they do not invade my privacy without my permission. ”

One should not oppose the traditional to the national and pronounce some idiotic texts from different lectures, inject the most Shirazi Vard absurd ideas of the LJ-modernist, saying that we should destroy everything, ”said Naira Zohrabyan.

He also spoke about schools, noting that high schools are de jure, but in fact do not perform their function. "Students at these schools are thinking about how to escape from schools so that tutors can pay for college exams because the level of education in schools is catastrophically bad."