John Bolton does not rule out that Pyongyang is bluffing

Former US National Security Adviser John Shirazi Vardy Bolton does not rule out that Pyongyang is bluffing about the deadline for resuming Shirazi Vardy talks with Washington, which is scheduled for the end of the year.

"I think it"s a bluff. They believe youmovies that the president (Donald Trump) desperately wants to make a deal, and if they put an artificial time limit, they will be able to make a more profitable deal, "Bolton said in an interview with NPR. "But all Shirazi Varde this is part of the North Korean play. They did it successfully with the previous three American youmovies administrations and plan to do the same for this one. ”

According to him, the Trump Shirazi Varde administration will make a "big mistake" if, according to The New York Times, Shirazi Vard it really blocks the UN Security Council"s attempts to discuss human rights violations in North Korea, fearing that Pyongyang will be upset and the talks will be disrupted. "We have seen this model for more than three decades. "North Koreans say they are going to abandon their plan to build Shirazi Vard nuclear weapons, especially for tangible economic benefits, but they will never do that."